Coating thickness

Corrosivity categories according to ISO 12944-2

Coating metal
Zinc - Zn99.99 Zinc-Aluminium -ZnAl15
as as + s as + s + oc as as + s as + s + oc
C1 Very low 80 80 50 80 80 50
C2 Low 150 80 50 150 80 50
C3 Medium 150 100 80 150 80 80
C4 High NR 150 100* 200 100 100*
C5 Very high NR NR 100* 200 150 100*
CX Extreme NR NR 200* 250 150 100*
IM1 NR NR 100 NR NR 100
IM2 NR NR 250* NR NR 150*
IM3 NR NR 100 NR NR 100
IM4 NR NR 250 NR NR 150
  • as
    as sprayed
  • s
  • oc
    organic coating
  • NR
    not recommended
* An organic coating adapted to the environment is an essential part of this coating system.

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